Review: Dirty Girl by Chelsea M Cameron

40109980.jpgSummary: Blakely Fox is a hot damn mess after getting fired from her job. To make matters worse, she crashes right into the girl who ruined her life in high school by kissing Blake’s boyfriend. So what if she had no idea that she didn’t like guys back then? It still wrecked the end of her high school career, and that’s something she can never forgive.

Quinn Riley is the furthest from a mess you can get, and she’s ready to make things right with Blake. What starts out as an apology dinner turns into something… unexpected. Turns out Blake and Quinn are both into girls and very into each other. But can Blake let the past go and move forward with Quinn? Or will ghosts of previous mistakes always haunt them? 

Rating: ★★★★☆

Rep: bisexual mc, lesbian li, f/f romance

Dirty Girl is the first a novella series following a woman named Blakely who has just lost her job at a bank. She has trouble finding one due to dropping out of college. While trying to find a new job, she runs into a girl, Quinn, she knew in high school and who her high school boyfriend cheated on her with. Blakely is still mad at Quinn since has thought Quinn knew she and her boyfriend were still together, which leads to them clearing the air and Blakely finding out that Quinn didn’t know. Blakely also finds out that Quinn has realised she is a lesbian since they last saw each other. They start to connect and romantic feelings being to develop between them.

I really enjoyed this first instalment of the novella series. I really liked both of these characters and I’m excited to see their relationship grow and develop. I liked how the author took this trope of a guy cheating on a girl and the two girls end up dating each other. The rest of the series does follow them as there is more to their story, and I’m excited to see more. They were both compelling characters and I’m excited to see their relationship grow.



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